2000’s Cult Classic Movies

Ava and Najee revisit the iconic early 2000’s cult classic movies that raised them: Mean Girls, Legally Blonde, and The Devil Wears Prada.

Episode Summary

Nostalgia is hitting hard this week as Ava and Najee revisit some of the most iconic early 2000’s cult classic movies: Mean Girls, Legally Blonde, and The Devil Wears Prada.

There’s something special about the movies that raise you, and the hosts agree that this is definitely the case with Mean Girls. Neither Ava or Najee were particularly fond of high school, but they definitely relate to many of the movie’s themes, from wanting to be in good standing with the popular kids to wearing pink on Wednesdays.

They continue to stroll down memory lane with Legally Blonde and love Elle Woods’ authenticity, determination, and work-ethic. Whether it’s Harvard Law or something else, if you can dream it, you can do it.

First jobs are a natural follow-up to the college era and Devil Wears Prada provides a great example of who not to work for, in addition to reminding us that making work your entire life is toxic.

After revisiting these movies, the hosts are left lots of questions like; how to reclaim the word ‘slut’ for a more sex-positive society, whether people still say ‘hang up the phone’, whether anyone has successfully applied the bend and snap IRL, and if Legally Blonde is giving Aquarius or Gemini vibes? Tune in to indulge in these millennial musings over your winter break.

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