Pros and Cons of Digital Nomading

Ava and Najee discuss the pros and cons of the work-from-anywhere lifestyle.

Episode Summary

Ava and Najee explore what it means to be a digital nomad, and confirm or deny popular perceptions about the work-from-anywhere lifestyle. The co-hosts attribute working in the travel industry to their constant wanderlust and extreme interest in nomading their way around the world.

They discuss the ease (or lack thereof) of digital nomadism, cost considerations, and the trade-offs to make when choosing this alternate lifestyle. For example, digital nomading often requires a simplified, minimalistic approach to wardrobe and possessions - which can pose a challenge for some. Najee loves his stuff, and Ava’s in a phase where she can’t get rid of her stuff fast enough.

As with any big life change, they discuss the importance of starting small, and doing it on their own terms aka working from a different location for a few days or weeks prior to jumping in head-first and selling the condo. While the digital nomad life ain’t easy, it is rewarding and offers a unique life experience. 

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